16-Minute TRX Circuit: Upper Body / Lower Body

This week we're going through a super quick workout that you can do in only 16-Minutes! In addition, I've included a 1-minute video tutorial on how to do each exercise. This workout is timed, however do not compromise form. Its more important to do each exercise properly than really fast. The workout consists of where you do a total of four rounds of each exercise for a total of 40 seconds each, with a 20 second rest in-between each exercise. For all single leg exercises, do 20 seconds on each leg. To learn how to set-up the TRX, I've included a previous video HERE.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at mike@sweat-space.com I hope that you have the most amazing day and an incredible workout!

All the Best,


The Workout

4 Rounds: 40 seconds / 20 seconds rest

  1. Chest Press

  2. Curtsy

  3. Row

  4. Pistol Squat

The Video Tutorial