Travel Tips to Stay Fit

Travel Tips to Stay Fit
Workout Tips, Places to Stay, Essential Snacks to Pack and Fly Prepared.

Workout Tips, Places to Stay, Essential Snacks to Pack and Fly Prepared.

Summer has arrived and what better way to enjoy it than by taking a vacation. A vacation is a time to relax, recharge and reset your body. However, how often do you feel like you a vacation from the vacation? We’re here to help you with ways to stay fit, energized and make the most of your travel this summer. 

Workout Tips

If you are traveling to place without any equipment for strength training, here is an amazing workout you can do without even leaving your hotel room: (Click Here for the Video Tutorial

  1. Squat to Chair: 20 reps

  2. Pushup: 15 reps

  3. Single Leg Squats: 10 reps each side

  4. Plank on Elbows (30 seconds) into Plank Push (5 each arm)

  5. Split Squats: 15 reps each side

  6. Bicycle Crunch (15 reps each side) into Back Plank (30 seconds)

  7. Repeat.


  • Rest for 15 seconds between each exercise. If you need more time for rest, take the time.

  • Grab water and rest for a total of a minute before you start your next circuit. 

*This circuit can be done in a total of 30 minutes. repeat the series of exercises again two more times.

Places to Stay - House vs Hotel

Bermuda, Oceanfront Apartment. Airbnb. (Click the picture to see the apartment)

Bermuda, Oceanfront Apartment. Airbnb. (Click the picture to see the apartment)

Prefer a House? - Stay at an Airbnb

If you are traveling with a group, enjoy the feel of a home and want more choices; we recommend staying in an Airbnb.

Here are all the reasons why we love Airbnb:

  • It's user friendly: You have the ability to book a house on your phone or computer. (Click Here to go to Airbnb)

  • Choices: You can stay in a house with a pool for your daily swim (click the picture above), a loft in the middle of Paris (click here), a yacht (click here) or you can even stay in a castle (click here). 

  • Locations: They are located in over 34,000 cities and 210 countries in the middle of cities, on oceans and farms. 

  • The feel of home: You can book a place that has everything you need to feel comfortable when traveling.  

Westin Well-Being Movement: New Balance + Running Map (Click the picture to learn more)

Westin Well-Being Movement: New Balance + Running Map (Click the picture to learn more)

Prefer a Hotel? - Stay at a Westin

If you are traveling by yourself or with companion, enjoy the amenities of a hotel and staying fit is important to you; we recommend staying at a Westin Hotel (Click Here to go to Westin Hotels). 

Here are all the reasons why we love Westin:

  • EatWell: Westin provides many healthy options to eat and drink when traveling. (Click Here)

  • MoveWell: The Westin partnered with New Balance to provide shoes and clothes for you so you don't have to wasted valuable space when packing your suitcase. (Click Here)

  • RunWestin: Run 3 or 5 mile guided runs by an instructor. If you are unable to make the time for the run, the Westin provides running maps of the city so you can get a great workout and a tour of the city at the same time. (Click Here)

  • WestinWorkout Rooms: Participating properties offer the ability to book a room that has a: treadmill, stationary bike, weights and resistance bands. (Click Here)

Essential Snacks to Pack

Options for snacks when you travel can be limited. We're here to help with recommendations to eat healthy when traveling. 

Here are a list of things to pack when traveling:

  • Fruit: The best piece of fruit to bring is an apple. They are very resilient so they can handle the wears and tears of traveling. Apples are nutrient dense and are a great alternative to chips. 

  • Almonds: We recommend dry unsalted almonds because salted almonds will make you dehydrated. Almonds will keep you full and are well balanced between fat, protein and carbohydrates. One serving is a small handful, which is about 16-20 almonds.   

  • Reusable Water Bottle: Make sure to bring an empty one to the airport, you won't make it through TSA if its full. You can fill it up at the airport and ask the flight attendants to fill it up instead of getting the small cups of water. This way you stay hydrated and energized. 

Fly Prepared

Flying is one of the most common ways to travel long distances and can leave you exhausted. We're here to help with recommendations for your next flight to be prepared and limit jet lag. 

Here are our top tips for your next flight: 

  • Overnight Flights: If you can, try to avoid flying overnight as its really challenging to get adequate sleep while on the plane. In the event that you have to take an overnight flight, we recommend calling ahead to your hotel so that you can check-in early and get a power nap, it will help you so much.  

  • Seat Location: Try booking a seat either next to a window, emergency exit row or business/first class. This way, you will have more leg room and the ability to stretch out during the flight. 

  • Hydration: Many of the drink options on the plane will dehydrate you. We recommend drinking 16oz 30-45 minutes prior to your flight and 8oz every 30 minutes during your flight. Try it out, you'll feel so much better when you get off the plane. 

  • Move and Stretch: We recommend getting up to walk the aisle and stretch out your body every hour of the flight. When you are at your seat, stretch out your legs and roll/flex your toes and feet to promote more circulation in your lower legs.