N'ice Cream Sundae: Justin's Edition

My new favorite thing: n'ice cream sundaes aka the best thing on the planet! 

To announce the winner of my Instagram contest for a Justin's bag full of Dark Chocolate PB Cups, Chocolate Hazelnut Butter and Peanut Butter, I decided to bring it all together and create this ridiculously good healthy alternative to regular ice cream. For the actually n'ice cream, it literally only has two ingredients: bananas and almond milk. Its so easy to make and is so good! I hope that you enjoy! 

All the Best,



  • 2 Frozen Bananas

  • 1/4 Cup Unsweetend Almond Milk

  • 1 Justin's Dark Chocolate PB Cup

  • Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter

Make It:

  1. Slice 2 bananas into small pieces and place in the freezer overnight

  2. Place the 2 frozen bananas into your blender with up to a 1/4 cup of almond milk (the less almond milk the thicker the n'ice cream)

  3. Blend until you get the consistency of soft serve ice cream (you may need to use a spatula in-between to scoop down the sides)

  4. Place the n'ice cream into a bowl and top with a Justin's Dark Chocolate PB Cup and a drizzle of Chocolate Hazelnut Butter.

  5. Enjoy and eat all of it!!