8-Minute Abs: Start the Year Right!

This week we're going through a super quick ab workout that you can do in only 8-Minutes! The best part, you can do these ab exercises literally anywhere as there's no equipment needed! Four exercises, 50 seconds each, 10 seconds rest for two rounds, that's it and you're done! 

Since the workout is timed, focus on maintaining the feeling of squeezing your abs throughout each exercise, rather than doing each exercise as quickly as possible. The results will be so much better! 

If you have any questions or any suggestions regarding content for future blog posts, I'd love for you to email me at mike@sweat-space.com or leave a comment below! I hope that you have the most amazing day and the best workout!

All the Best,


The Video:

The Workout:

2 Rounds

  1. Plank Knee Taps: 50 seconds

  2. Alternating Crossover Mountain Climbers: 50 seconds

  3. Alternating Crunch Crossovers: 50 seconds

  4. Crossover Scissors: 50 seconds