California Hikes You Can't Miss

California Hikes You Can't Miss

What better way to spend a few hours this weekend than to get outside and be active. Plan a hike with family or friends this weekend to not only spend quality time but get a great workout in. If hiking isn’t your thing: take a long walk around your neighborhood, a park, beach or lake.

Before we get into the essentials on your hike/walk, here are a few recommendations before you get started:


1. Go at your own pace.

2. Rest when you need to.

3. Track the distance you traveled and the time it took for you to complete the hike/walk.

4. The next time you go for your hike/walk, you can either increase your distance by 10% or beat the time it took you by 10%. 

5. Repeat. 

Essentials on the Hike/Long Walk:

Shoes - Wearing a comfortable pair of shoes are essential. We recommend a pair with added support, especially if you are walking on a hard surface.

Water - Hydration is so important to regulating your body temperature and replacing what you lose by sweating. We recommend drinking 8oz every 15 minutes to manage dehydration. You may need to drink more water if you are sweating a lot and in hot weather, gauge this off of how you feel. 

Snack - Eat a snack every 45 minutes to an hour on an intense hike or walk. We recommend choosing something easy to digest: a banana or cliff bar are great options. This will keep you energized and help you recover quicker after your long hike or walk.

Sunscreen - Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Protecting it from the sun is so important to your overall health. We recommend something with a higher SPF and reapplying at least every two hours. 

Hat - Wearing a hat not only keeps you cool, but the sun out of your face.

Hikes in California:

We have curated a list of two parks in each region of California. Each park has multiple levels of difficulty of hiking trails. For your convenience, we've included a clickable link to all the trails at each park:  

Northern California

Central California

Half Dome.jpg

Southern California

Joshua Tree.jpg

We wish you an active and healthy weekend!